Sunday, January 5, 2014

Is digital literacy really important?

      Even Brazil is considered a developing country, new technologies are released there as fast as in the United States. Computer, internet, Google, smartphone; all these stuff were invented in order to make our life easier and practical. Plus, these devices and services are making most of us more stupid. Researches that used to require days in libraries, can now be done in a few minutes by Google. Because of this, many people use technology only with mediocre purposes, such as sharing fake news on Facebook, chatting with their neighbors, and begging likes. However, those who knows how to handle the information that the internet provides and the technology will be digitally literate. 

       Technology is being developed quickly; nevertheless, we do not need purchase a “top line” smartphone every semester to be digitally literate. In my reality in Brazil, for example, my parents have never concerned about the importance of computer and internet. As result, my younger brothers are not very able to handle technology. If I have not took computer science classes, I might be the same as my siblings. It helped me learn to use engineering and statistic software quickly after I chose agronomy as my major. 
       Every young person in Brazil should be aware of the importance of the digital literacy. Despite be proficient in Microsoft Office/Google Drive is very important, a “list of skills to learn” is nonsense. If they look at a desktop, tablet or smartphone with more criticism, they would notice that those are even more than an entertainment machine. All young people in my country should explore the computer and try to learn whatever they want. Does the career that they want pursue require another skill? Just learn it. The previously knowledge will help them make everything easier. 

Argument support:


  1. I agree with your point that people do not need the newest technology to be digital literate. Do you think elementary schools in Brazil place enough importance on becoming digitally literate?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't say "yes" or "no", because there are goods and bad elementary schools in Brazil. The bad ones are generally public (they are the majority) and they don't place importance on becoming digitally literate at all! Unfortunately, if those students want to become digitally literate, they need to achieve this by themselves.

  3. I agree, Bismarc, that many people only develop enough digital literacy to engage in the most trivial aspects of technology. Adults need to role model beneficial digital behavior. No one needs to play Candy Crush or Angry Birds for 12 straight hours!
